This week [Monday - Friday] I'm counting down my Top 50 artists in my humble opinion at this moment in time. The artists are to have released an album/ep or played a gig since Jan 2009 in order to qualify for the list.
1. The Chapters
I've chosen The Chapters as my number one band/artist in Ireland at this moment in time because they released a great album last year and they are one of the best live bands I've ever seen. The music is really uplifting with super vocals and lyrics.
2. Bill Coleman
When you see Bill Coleman live you'll be initially impressed by the huge sound he gets from his mastering of loops and pedals. However beyond that are songs of real meaning. New songs like 'False North' and 'Church of Second Chances' are majestically written. Bill has alot to say and I for one wanna be listening!
3. The Swell Season/The Frames/ Glen Hansard
In the space of 18 months I've seen Glen n Mar 5 times which isn't bad for a band who's forever on the road making new friends all around the world. I would be hopeful for a bid Dublin gig from The Frames as well as their headlining appearance at Electric Picnic.
In These Arms from Vimeo.
4. Mark Geary
2009 was the year I really got into Mark Geary's songs in a big way. Mark released a live album last year and his album launch in Whelans was special. He was accompanied by Karl Odlum, Graham Hopkins and Ann Scott to produce an amazing night of music.

5. Fiach
Fiach has just released his long awaited debut album 'So I' reviewed here and it's full of great tracks. Fiach has the ability on some songs to ignite a fire inside you and fight the man while on others he uses his charm and wit to write beautifully crafted songs.
6. I Am Not Lefthanded
I Am Not Lefthanded are an indie folk power pop three piece consisting of two thirds Irish! With his band you get beautiful vocals, harmonies and lyrics from Kathryn and Daniel. They've released two EPs recently which contain so many brilliant tunes like 'Long Goodbyes', 'Persuade Yourself', 'Lifelines' and the sample mp3 below.
7 Henrietta Game
Henrietta Game consists of Guitar, Cello, Violin and Glockenspiel as well as four part harmonies and great songs. I've seen Henrietta Game live many times in the last 12 months and with each time I see and hear massive improvements.
8. The Whiskey Limbs
For me the best live band I've seen in Boyles were The Whiskey Limbs. The energy of the songs, the vocals of Colm and Amy and the quality of the songs make The Whiskey Limbs one of the best good time bands out there at the moment.
9. Declan DeBarra
Declan's album last year 'A Fire To Scare The Sun' was the best album of 2009. The mood, atmosphere and lyrics really connected with me on many levels. Declan is an amazing live performer as well! On his bandcamp Declan is giving his debut album away for free which can be accessed through the links below!
10. Heritage Centre
I'm well aware that this list for 50 acts covers many different genres. Indie Rock isn't represented too much here partly because I judge the acts against Heritage Centre and most don't some anywhere close to this great band. This band has the songs, the musicians and the energy to become massive. Hit the links below for some great free music from the band!
11. Mark Dignam
12. Miss Paula Flynn
13. Ultan Conlon
14. Lisa Hannigan
15. Murder Plan
16. Brian Canavan
17. Mark Black
18. Foy Vance
19. David Hope
20. The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra
21. Padraig Digan
22. Pearse McGloughlin
23. Arrow in the Sky
24. Lisa o'Neill
25. Sean Needham
26. Kitty and the Can Openers
27. The Garret Wall Band
28. Saramai and the Swords
29. Joe Echo
30. Heathers
31. Junah
32. Reader's Wives
33. Pony Club
34. Kiernan McMullan
35. Elder Roche
36. Michael Brunnock/Little Palace
37. The Lonely Schizophrenic
38. Adrian Crowley
39. Keith Mullins
40. Damien Dempsey
41. A Plastic Rose
42. Garry O'Brien
43. Pete Courtney
44. Valerie Francis
45. Dayo
46. Brendan O'Shea
47. Bobby Noonan
48. Entheos
49. BellaJane
50. Andy Delamere
So I'll start. Where's James Vincent McMorrow? Or the Holy Roman Army? Think I may have to do a list of my own, if that's okay.
As for your combined list in a few months, it's a great idea. There is a collective of 30 Roots/Americana blogs who compare their respective top-twenty and all post the consensus results via The Bird List. It's a cool way to see the agreements & rogue selects.
If you follow the link, don't be surprised to see Mr. John Cash's single-digit welcoming wave...