Album Review: Windings - I Am Not The Crow

'I Am Not The Crow' is an impressive no frills straight up indie album from Limerick band Windings released earlier this month through Out on a Limbs Records. 

I probably broke a golden rule of review journalism when I read through other reviews of 'I Am Not The Crow'. There were two very complimentary and expansive reviews online here and here which comprehensively pick apart the third album from Windings. The reason why I mention this is because I'm not going to dwell on this review for an album which is a relatively straight up indie rock album.

The album opener is pure quality. 'Sun in my Bones' is an 8 minute epic hard rock tune which sounds like seventies Californian rock with amazing musicianship throughout.

I'm impressed with the lo-fi indie vibe from 'Something Outnumbered' while the title track is another track tipping the cap to the type to indie music I grew up listening to such as Nirvana, Lo La Tengo and Sugar. The tempo is brought down a notch at the end of the album with the closing track 'Local Broken Man' and 'Cleaner' in particular being very effective tracks.

Windings are a good band, who really impressed me on stage at Knockanstockan this year. 'I Am Not The Crow' is a decent album which should be checked out if you're a fan of guitar driven indie sounds.

Windings - I Am Not The Crow [9 out of 12]

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