Peter Doran Invades 2UIBestow [Part 3]

Peter Doran is a Mullingar singer and songwriter of immense talent who is in the process of releasing his second album entitled "Sleepless Street". Check out for more details. This week I'm delighted that Peter has agreed to be the guest blogger.

My Favourite 5 Books of all time (In no particular order)

* Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts
* Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck
* East of Eden - John Steinbeck
* One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
* Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie

Today I want to share with you 5 of the best books I've had the pleasure of reading. I find I go through phases with books. Sometimes I can go on a great run and get lucky with a string of great reads. Other times I get stuck with the same book for months on end, and I can't get into the groove at all. These 5 books have all made a big impression on me, and I would not hesitate to recommend them to anybody. So if you're on the look out for something new to start reading, why not dive into one of these classics! I think I might rediscover one of them myself soon!



Chris Ogunlowo said…
Yeah, Shantaram. Amazing book.