While I [Peter N] stepped back from blogging I still kept a keen interest in finding new music to love.
Here's a playlist of 10 of the best tracks I've found this year .....
1. First Aid Kit - Silver Lining http://www.thisisfirstaidkit.com/
2. Jess Klein - If There's a God http://www.jessklein.com/
3. William Fitzsimmons - Fortune http://williamfitzsimmons.com/
4. Joseph Arthur - Walk on the Wild Side http://www.josepharthur.com/
5. Caitlin Park - Lemonade http://caitlinpark.net/
6. Nick Mulvey - Cucurucu http://www.nickmulvey.com/
7. Joan as Police Woman - Holy City http://www.joanaspolicewoman.com/
8. James Vincent McMorrow - Cavalier http://jamesvmcmorrow.com/
9. Drive-ByTruckers - Pauline Hawkins http://www.drivebytruckers.com/
10. John Butler Trio - Only One http://johnbutlertrio.com/
Here's a playlist of 10 of the best tracks I've found this year .....
1. First Aid Kit - Silver Lining http://www.thisisfirstaidkit.com/
2. Jess Klein - If There's a God http://www.jessklein.com/
3. William Fitzsimmons - Fortune http://williamfitzsimmons.com/
4. Joseph Arthur - Walk on the Wild Side http://www.josepharthur.com/
5. Caitlin Park - Lemonade http://caitlinpark.net/
6. Nick Mulvey - Cucurucu http://www.nickmulvey.com/
7. Joan as Police Woman - Holy City http://www.joanaspolicewoman.com/
8. James Vincent McMorrow - Cavalier http://jamesvmcmorrow.com/
9. Drive-ByTruckers - Pauline Hawkins http://www.drivebytruckers.com/
10. John Butler Trio - Only One http://johnbutlertrio.com/