Welsh Leeks and/or Daffodils, appear at the most random moments too...
Who was spotted in Hammersmith, nodding her head and singing along to 'I Want You to Know'?
Charlotte Church.
She's got great taste that one in fairness...
Go on, click the play button there and make like Charlotte :).
I've rarely had such a loud, fun-filled, raucous, sing-a-longa ending to a set. Or such a problematic start.
To illustrate what a tiny margin can be involved in everything running perfectly to everything getting absolutely fecked up to a FAIR THEE WELL, I direct your attention to the following pics.
This is good.
This is BAD.
The firewire cable must be plugged in. COMPLETELY plugged in. Otherwise the sound goes in, but she no comes out again.
Once that transpired, I put Plan C into operation, and it all came off rather swimmingly from there on. Very swimmingly, actually. Charlotte-Church-and-her-Welsh-cohorts-singing-along-lustily-to-a-Billy-Coleman-tune swimmingly in fact.
Unfortunately I don't have photographic evidence of the Church but my witness is Dave from ODI, and he's got a face that couldn't tell a lie, I assure you.
Last nights gig was a four-act, two-set-each extravaganza put together by the inestimable Tony Moore http://www.tony-moore.com/, former member of Cutting ((I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight) Crew http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_crew.
Also playing were:
ODi - http://www.odimusic.co.uk/index.html - Claire Odlum and Dave Redfearn do a lovely line in acoustic-y, folk-y at times jazz-tinged pop.
Matteo Scumaci - http://www.untitledsketch.com/ - torch songs in a Jeff Buckley, Tom Mcrae kind of way. Bit of a piano virtuoso too. A lot of a piano virtuoso actually...
Jonathan Powell - http://www.myspace.com/jonathanpowellmusic - almost a folk/bluegrass vibe off this Welsh guy who manages to fit viola into that mix. Great voice.
All these guys are well worth checking out and keeping an eye out for. ODi & Matteo both have albums coming soon and Jonathan has just released one I think.
Now I need to go make sure all my stuff is as it should be for going back to plan A tonights gig in the Notting Hill Arts club. It's a lovely sunny day here in London, and it's supposed to be getting better for the weekend. So roll on the weekend!
Who was spotted in Hammersmith, nodding her head and singing along to 'I Want You to Know'?
Charlotte Church.
She's got great taste that one in fairness...
Go on, click the play button there and make like Charlotte :).
I've rarely had such a loud, fun-filled, raucous, sing-a-longa ending to a set. Or such a problematic start.
To illustrate what a tiny margin can be involved in everything running perfectly to everything getting absolutely fecked up to a FAIR THEE WELL, I direct your attention to the following pics.
This is good.
This is BAD.
The firewire cable must be plugged in. COMPLETELY plugged in. Otherwise the sound goes in, but she no comes out again.
Once that transpired, I put Plan C into operation, and it all came off rather swimmingly from there on. Very swimmingly, actually. Charlotte-Church-and-her-Welsh-cohorts-singing-along-lustily-to-a-Billy-Coleman-tune swimmingly in fact.
Unfortunately I don't have photographic evidence of the Church but my witness is Dave from ODI, and he's got a face that couldn't tell a lie, I assure you.
Last nights gig was a four-act, two-set-each extravaganza put together by the inestimable Tony Moore http://www.tony-moore.com/, former member of Cutting ((I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight) Crew http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_crew.
Also playing were:
ODi - http://www.odimusic.co.uk/index.html - Claire Odlum and Dave Redfearn do a lovely line in acoustic-y, folk-y at times jazz-tinged pop.
Matteo Scumaci - http://www.untitledsketch.com/ - torch songs in a Jeff Buckley, Tom Mcrae kind of way. Bit of a piano virtuoso too. A lot of a piano virtuoso actually...
Jonathan Powell - http://www.myspace.com/jonathanpowellmusic - almost a folk/bluegrass vibe off this Welsh guy who manages to fit viola into that mix. Great voice.
All these guys are well worth checking out and keeping an eye out for. ODi & Matteo both have albums coming soon and Jonathan has just released one I think.
Now I need to go make sure all my stuff is as it should be for going back to plan A tonights gig in the Notting Hill Arts club. It's a lovely sunny day here in London, and it's supposed to be getting better for the weekend. So roll on the weekend!